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Friday, 26 October 2012

Happy Eid!

Happy Colorful Blessed and Sweet Eid! 

Aaaaaw !!! Where shall I start?! I am extremely exited and overwhelmed! Aren't you too? 
SubhanAllah, from Allah's Mercy He gave us a gift. He gave us this special day and He made it exceptional in it's worth, meaning and blessings. I think I'm going to cry. The thought about the love He has for His creations... We need Him and He needs nothing from us, yet He thinks about our feelings which He Himself created. He told us to have sabr, to obey Him and to fall into prostration to Him, and as hard as it all sounds, He surely never ignored one single need in us people. One of those needs is to party, to have fun and celebrate. So he gifted us with Eid! 

Ya Allah, I am in love with You.. 

So, what is Eid all about? Gifts, sweets, sweet prayers, laughter, love, care, friendship and recreating family bonds ..... and lots of other beautiful things! 

I love when one gets to dress up in beautiful garments with bright happy colors and glitter and glam. This year I went with something chick. My special detail was this beautiful necklace I bought in "Ur & Pen". I know it's just a detail, but it's a detail with difference :) (lol i sound like a professional designer)

My sister and I went crazy with wrapping gifts. She was very creative, and managed to make the gifts so beautiful that you wouldn't even want to unwrap it. I on the other hand did my best to cover the items with the wrap in paper hehe.. It's the inside that counts :P 

Oh, dad bought a whole bag full of delicious halal sweets. I know i cant eat much sugar and all of that cause of the anti stress diet im on, but i surely did cross all limits a diet-person could ever have crossed. All I was waiting for was an emotional explosion Hehehe! ........But it was worth it i guess :P 

And finally when Eid came, we had a nice Eid- breakfast after dad came back from Eid prayer. Mum had to work unfortenatly but we saved the gift opening for her :) So we haven't open any gifts yet!! Exiting yaaay.. Alhamdulillah.. 

I wish you a happy Eid... :)

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